Be Yourself

All that you are

Boldly Bravely Beautifully


Transpersonal Psychotherapist | Spiritual Guide | Soul Coach | Shamanic Practitioner

Dawn Giulietta

Online Psychotherapy &
Breakthrough Sessions.

Online therapy sessions for Teens, Parents and Adults who want lasting change.

A holistic therapeutic approach for personal and spiritual development, transformation and growth.

Feel confident, present, resilient and free, Being You.

Whether you have had psychotherapy or self-development help before, together we create a personalised plan for embodied Heart and Soul living.

Be all that you are; Body, Mind, Heart and Soul.

Work with me

Transformation sessions for Self-Development, Soul Alignment,
Spiritual Embodiment and Conscious Awakening


Discover Your Truth
and Experience

  • Awakening – Being conscious, aware, present, connected. Knowing and Seeing. In touch with yourself and the world around you.

  • Authenticity – Feeling at home in your own skin. Knowing and trusting yourself. Living Your Truth.

  • Empowerment – Feeling secure, centred, anchored in your core. Taking action. Seizing opportunities.

  • Love – Knowing and meeting your needs. Relating with intimacy and empathy. Opening yourself to gratitude and compassion.

  • Healing – Resolving trauma. Balancing your Divine Masculine and Feminine. Embodying your True Soul Nature.

  • Guidance – Realising your purpose and your path. Co-creation with Spirit. Inspiration and intention.

Ready to Live Your Life?

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the key

Is “Back to Self” – reflection, introspection, insight, action.

Life really is what You make it.

A little about me

I am fascinated with Consciousness (The Divine, Universe, Source, Spirit), our Spirituality, who we truly are and what we are actually capable of.

Sharing from my own journey of awakening and transformation, I help you discover and live Your Truth and empower you to walk your unique path.

I work with teens, parents and individuals enabling core, transformational healing, personal self-development and soul-awakened living.

Experience this profound, life-changing work and live your life fully; with joy, wonder, appreciation and fulfilment.

“I have been seeing Dawn for last 5 years, and to say I wouldn’t be here without her support is an understatement. Dawn is the most incredible, powerful, spiritual, and supportive person I have ever met. Our work together has been absolutely life changing for me. When I first met her I was a shell of a person, and she has helped and supported me to become the strong woman I am today. The way she can hold space, truly listen and offer wisdom is phenomenal.

The transformative changes I have seen in myself is a testament to her ability and I would not have been able to reach the depths we have reached with anyone else. I do not hesitate to recommend Dawn to anyone who wants to work deeply to transform their life and reach their full potential.”

Rach S, Adult Therapy

‘I have worked with various therapists and been on many self development trainings, retreats and workshops but was always left lacking something which I couldn’t quite name. Then I found and worked with Dawn on and off for the past 4 years.

All I can say is wow! For the first time in my life I now feel whole. I am content. I am at peace.
Our work has started in the everyday but my personal transformation has happened by working profoundly deeply in the spirit.
Dawn sees you before you see yourself. She is the torch bearer who leads you in the darkness until you see your own light.
She is patient, insightful, so tuned into spirit and clearly born to do this work.
I shall be forever grateful for meeting this wonderful woman.’

Karrin S, 1-1 Breakthrough

The Truth is

We are the world

We are Nature. Interconnected with all we see.
A conscious, responsive, living, spiritual organism.

The life we experience and the world we see outwardly is our creation in every moment.

When we choose to live consciously, present, heart-minded, we are in harmony, alignment and integrity, enabling a ripple effect, in which our world resonates and flourishes too.

“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children.
One of these is roots, the other, wings.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe